The Unbelievably Easy Way to Eat Clean in the Morning

By Mimi


I know it hurts on those "non-brunch days", where all you want is a cranberry mimosa and perfectly crafted eggs benedict whipped to perfection. Trust me. I feel you. But, alas, we have to make it through the work week somehow.

I’m here to give you a few quick tips on how to maintain your energy and stamina through your morning food choices, including those crazy mornings where there’s never enough time.

A Lemon A Day

Every morning, I typically start out with a glass of warm lemon water. I know most people would rather begin their day with some hot coffee or tea, but trust me, the benefits of this concoction are beyond anything that caffeine can do for you. Plus, you can always have your coffee or tea afterwards!

I begin by warming 8-16 oz of water on the stove. I use distilled water for extra detox benefits, but regular water is great too. After warming the water (2-3 minutes stovetop), I add one organic lemon; sliced and squeezed. The goal is to use the entire lemon - juice and rind. After that, it’s bottoms-up!

Starting your morning like this will help remove toxins, give you more energy, and alkalize your body. Yes, please!

After that great start, you’re still hungry, you say? Of course you are. Let’s get crackin’.


Eggcellent Protein

I like to make sure I eat some good protein every morning. What’s the best way to do that? Eggs.

These little morsels are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. Just think about it – one egg contains all the nutrients and building blocks required to grow an entire baby chicken. They’re loaded with high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, good fats and various trace nutrients.

For those of you that need numbers before you believe me (I’m looking at you, analytical people), feast your eyes on this.

One large egg contains:

  • Only 77 calories, with 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein with all 9 essential amino acids.
  • Rich in iron, phosphorous, selenium and vitamins A, B12, B2 and B5 (plus many others).
  • 113 mg of Choline – a very important nutrient for the brain. A study revealed that 90% of Americans may not get enough choline in their diet.



From over-easy to hard boiled to scrambled, everyone prefers their eggs a different way. In terms of nutritional value, eggs are best when lightly cooked as the yolk will retain more nutrients (versus when the yolk is cooked hard).

I use avocado oil or coconut oil to grease the pan and place it on low heat. While the eggs are cooking, I like to slice up a small avocado and some organic tomatoes, preferably from my garden. The goal is to eat two-thirds veggies and one-third protein every morning.

After my eggs are finished cooking, I add a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, and voila! You have a quick and powerful breakfast to get you through your day.


Final Thoughts

If you decide to include eggs in your diet - and I hope you do - make sure to eat Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs. They are much more nutritious than eggs from factory-raised chickens.

So, there you have it! Good protein, fats and vegetables. The breakfast of champions.

Be on the look-out for my next post where we’ll dive into what oils to cook with, why, and the benefits of each. It’s going to be slick!

Bon appetit!