Next Level You With Sam Kathleen: Best Of the Year
I remember sitting down to dinner with a few friends about this time last year.
2019 had been tough.
We had chalked it up to one of those TV show episodes that you sit through before the really juicy stuff starts.
“2020 is going to be our year!”
Half-declaration, half-hope - we set our sights on the year that was to come and all of the magic that we felt we missed out on in 2019.
And then the world turned upside down.
I don’t know about you, but there was no way that I would’ve been able to imagine that 2020 would be like this. If you had told me a year ago that 2020 would be synonymous with cancelled trips, being away from loved ones, getting anxious about a cough or it being illegal to leave your house, I might’ve thought we stepped into a dystopian world that I’d only experienced in the pages of books.
However, as difficult as 2020 has been, I am unbelievably grateful for the almost-year that we’ve had. I know that I am luckier than most, being relatively untouched in my corner of the world. But I also know that, no matter who we are or where we’re experiencing the world from, each and every one of us has the power to come out of this stronger.
We are innovators. We are creators. We are lovers. We are leaders.
It’s knowing how difficult 2020 has been for most of the world that inspires me to write this today.
I was sitting down to dinner with a few friends just the other day, and one of my friends said: “Ugh, 2020 sucked. I can’t wait for 2021.”
It’s not an uncommon thought. My Instagram feed has been filled with “hurry up 2021” memes. Conversations with almost everyone talk about how they can’t wait for 2020 to end.
“2021 will be our year!”
But, hold on -
2019 was, arguably, not as bad as 2020. And yet the same sentiments are shared coming towards the end of the year:
Things weren’t as great as I wanted them to be.
Screw this, next year will be better.
And yes, I pray with everything in me that 2021 will be better. I know that it can be. I also know that waiting for 2021 is a mistake.
When I think about the goals that dreams that I had for 2020, I know that a lot of them need to be pushed back due to forces outside of my control. I also know that there are a number of goals and dreams that I had for 2020 that can still be actioned right now.
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” - Chinese Proverb
Think about it - 2 months is roughly:
8.5 weeks
62 days
1,488 hours
89,280 minutes
Are you seriously going to write off over 80,000 minutes of your life just because we’re so close to the end of the year?
Imagine all of the possibilities that you’re missing out on! Imagine all that can get done in 2 months. You could:
Read a book or two
Build consistency into a habit of waking up early, going for a run or working on a business
Spend quality time with friends and family (in person or virtually)
Start painting
Write a few chapters of a book
Begin studying again
You don’t have to wait for an arbitrary “start point” to begin moving. All you need to do is, in the moment of decision, take action right away.
EXERCISE: BEST OF THE YEAR (time investment: 5 minutes)
So right now, you and I are going to make sure that we finish the year in the best way we possibly can.
Right now, go grab a journal and a pen or open up a digital document or the Notes app on your phone. Now, give yourself 3 uninterrupted minutes to answer the following question.
What goals or dreams did you have for 2020?
List them all out - every single one (yes, even the travel ones).
What skills did you want to develop? What experiences did you want to have? How much money did you want to have saved? What milestones did you want to achieve?
Now STOP HERE! Don’t continue reading until you’ve actually taken the time to answer the question. Don’t cheat yourself!
Once you’ve got your list, choose ONE that you can still action right now. And notice that I didn’t say that you had to “finish” or “achieve” the goal or dream. Just take the next step towards achievement.
It could be making a call to the person you know could help you out. It could be signing up for a class or buying the boxing gloves. It could be having the conversation with your loved ones so you can carve out some uninterrupted writing time. It could be picking up your phone right now and setting an alarm for tomorrow morning so you can start running.
Whatever it is - it doesn’t have to be big!
“Complexity is the enemy of execution.” - Tony Robbins
Don’t make it difficult for yourself. Just take the next step.
Drop us a comment below to let us know what goal you’re dedicated to taking a small step towards before the end of 2020! And let us know your simple next step to making it happen!
About the Author
Sam Kathleen is a Certified Mindset & Success Coach who has made it her mission to help Big Dreamers utilize their fullest potential, create themselves, and live the life of their dreams NOW. For further resources to support your journey or to connect with her on IG @samkathleen_ or check out her website!